
Welcome! I invite you to join me on this journey we call Life. It's crazy, fun, silly, sad, happy, loony, dull, exciting and everything in between

Wednesday, December 24, 2014



On this Christmas Eve, I send you all my best wishes for a very Merry Christmas. I think it has been a difficult year for many of us. A year that at times has brought us to tears and quite possibly to our knees. I know I have read of the hardship some of you have faced with car troubles, sick family and even death. I have cried as I read these things, knowing that sometimes the things that trouble me are so miniscule compared to the things others face. I have tried to remind myself of this every time I am facing a tough situation... I know it could be worse.

I hope with the end of this year, we can all let go. Let go of old hurts, disappointments, and anger. I hope we can truly forgive those that may have caused these feelings in us. If there is anything I know, I know holding onto past trespasses against us only hurts us! We can let the negative eat us up, or we can let go and let the light once again brighten the days. 

So take a deep breath, let it ALL go and enjoy these days with your loved ones. These kind of day are all too short! I thank you for being here, reading what I put down, and letting me know that I am not alone in this great big world!

I wish you the very best Christmas. I pray peace surrounds you and your family. 


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