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Monday, November 11, 2013

Thankful Day 11 - Veteran's Day

So today's Thankful post is a no-brainer for me. I am extremely patriotic. I love our Country, I love our freedom and rights and believe in our Constitution. I am SO thankful for our Veterans. I have been surrounded by them my whole life. My Dad, brother, grandfathers, uncles, cousins and more are Veterans from all branches. When I married I became connected to even more Veterans on my husband's side. I have watched his cousin grow from a small boy, go through school and join the Army. I am so proud of all of them and extremely proud to call all these people "family". I do not like to say "Happy Veteran's Day" because to me it is a day of remembrance for not only the Veterans among us, but also of those that came home only after paying the ultimate price, those that never came home and those that have passed from this life. 
My Dad

Veterans don't GIVE us our freedoms and rights, but they volunteer to stand in our place to defend and protect the Constitution that does give us those freedoms and rights. It's so much more that a piece of antique parchment signed by some old dudes whose names you probably can't remember. It is the blood, tears and sacrifice that shaped our Nation. And those that step up to defend my right to live by that Constitution have my upmost respect and gratitude. 
I pray people feel and extend their gratitude to our Veterans not just on this one day, but everyday. We truly have so much to thank them for and not enough days left on this earth to express those thanks. 
God Bless Our Veterans!

From the Web

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